Yum Healthy Multi-vitamin Smoothie #SmoothieWorld | FX777 SmoothieWorld
Healthy Multi-vitamin Smoothie #SmoothieWorld

Healthy Multi-vitamin Smoothie #SmoothieWorld

Healthy Multi-vitamin Smoothie

Containing a wide variety of fruits, this juice is recommended to people of all ages as it’s healthy and nutritious and also very filling if you decide to have it early in the morning, before breakfast.


2 pears, cored and diced
2 apples, cored and diced
2 carrots, peeled and sliced
1 tablespoon, lemon juice
2 cups spinach or chard (optional)


Juice all the fruits and vegetables, including the spinach if you decide to use it. Add the lemon juice and drink as fresh as possible.


  1. I think having a smoothie for breakfast can save you a lot of calories.

  2. I love smoothies but the lengthy preparations is putting it off for me. I prefer buying my smoothies from the juice bars around town.

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